Royal Chant March 2018

Mark Spence, the multi-instrumentalist, mastermind behind Royal Chant was down again for a couple days of tracking.

We’ve been building a whole LP of new Royal Chant jams over a couple of weekends thus far, and with one more session will probably have enough content to start the mixing phase.

On Sunday we were working on drums, and Mark commented that they were the cleanest drums he’s heard at that studio. We’ve always pulled great drum sounds at Megaphon / Music Feeds, it’s one of my favourite drum rooms in Sydney. This time, however, I was experimenting with drum underheads. This is a technique where you place the overheads, under the cymbals rather than over. I stumble into this technique through Greg Wells engineer Ian MacGregor and the below video. In my mind the technique has a more mellow brassier tone to the cymbals, and, if using ribbons, allows greater rejection of the other drums via the null of figure 8 patterns.